Access to the five lakes in Burnet County equals access to fun and sun on the water. Whether fishing, skiing, or just exploring, the Highland Lakes is the place to be.

Boat Ramps in Burnet County Provide Access to 5 Lakes

Motorboat, motorboat, go so fast; motorboat, motorboat … where’s your boat ramp?! Access is easy to the five lakes in the Highland Lakes chain with many of the available boat ramps in Burnet County. From the fluctuating reservoir that is Lake Buchanan to the more consistent-level lakes at Inks, LBJ, and Marble Falls and on to the fluid levels of Lake Travis, boats ramps are operated by private entities, cities, the state, and the Lower Colorado River Authority. Some have fees, others are free.

When staying in the Highland Lakes of Burnet County with your motorboat, check out these places to launch your craft.


Boat ramps with access to Lake Buchanan are ranked as “good” or “unimproved” by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, which keeps a list on its website.

On the east side of the lake, boaters will find four good boat ramps (some of these in Llano County), including a two-lane concrete ramp at the dam. A fee is required at this privately operated ramp. Take Texas 29 to U.S. 690 to find it.

Burnet County operates a two-lane concrete ramp off FM 2341 at about mid-lake. No fee is required for this ramp, which is opened year-round, even during periods of low water. It is, however, susceptible to the northwest wind, so boaters are urged to watch for weather reports.

Thunderbird Lodge operates a year-round ramp that is well protected from the wind. Located off FM 2341, it costs only $5 to launch. Call (512) 756-4878 for more information.

Also well protected from the wind and ranked in the good category, the two-lane concrete ramp at Llano County Park next to Black Rock Park offers free access to the lake and parking for 17 vehicles. It is open all year and operated by the LCRA. Call (915) 628-3240 for more information.

One of the unimproved ramps can be found at Colorado Bend State Park, which collects a park entrance fee. It is operated by the TPWD and open year-round. The park is located in the Colorado River just above the lake, west of Lampasas and southeast of San Saba. Call (915) 628-3240 for more information.

The Cedar Point Recreation Area ramp is also unimproved and open year-round. It is operated by the LCRA and located just north of Bluffton. Call (800) 776-5272 ext. 3366 for information.


Inks Lake has only one public boat ramp. It is two lanes of concrete at Inks Lake State Park, so a park entrance fee is required. It is open year-round and is 9 miles west of Burnet on Park Road 4. Operated by the TWPD, call (512) 793-2223 for more information.


Boat access is available on Lake LBJ at Granite Beach Recreation Area. Operated by the LBJ Yacht Club and Marina, a fee is required to launch. The ramp is open all year with parking for 20-30 boats and trailers. The ramp is located on the south shore near the dam off FM 2147. Call (830) 693-9172 for more information.

Lake LBJ can also be accessed via the Llano River on a one-lane concrete ramp at Kingsland Community Park off RR 2900. A boat launch fee is required at the ramp, which is operated by the Kingsland/Lake LBJ Chamber of Commerce. Open year-round, it is day-use only. Call (325) 388-6211 for more information.


The city of Marble Falls provides two free launches to its lake. Both are open all year. The Johnson Park ramp is one-lane of concrete into Backbone Creek off Pecan Valley Road (Avenue J).

Lakeside Park features a three-lane concrete ramp one block west of U.S. 281 on the north side of the lake. For more information on either of the city’s ramps, call (830) 693-3615.


The Lower Colorado River Authority operates a boat ramp at Camp Creek Park. It is located on the north side of the lake near Smithwick. Take RR 1431 to CR 343. A fee is required, and the ramp is open year-round. Call the LCRA at (800) 776-5272 ext. 3366 for more.

Shaffer Bend Recreation Area, another LCRA park, also requires a fee for its year-round ramp about 9 miles east of Marble Falls. Take RR 1431 to CR 343A and turn right.

On the other side of the lake, the LCRA has a ramp near Spicewood off Texas 71. Turn north on Spur 191, travel about a mile, then continue north 1.1 miles on CR 4510 to CR 411. Driving about 1.5 miles north on this gravel road brings you to Narrows Recreation Area. During heavy rains, this area does flood due to a low-water crossing. A fee is required; day-use only. Call the LCRA at (800) 776-5272 ext. 3366 for more.

Also near Spicewood on Texas 71 is Grelle Recreation Area, which is another LCRA access point. Turn north on Spur 191 then take a right on CR 404. In a mile, at the intersection with CR 412, turn left to reach the site entrance, which is about a half-mile down the road. Call (800) 776-5272 ext. 3366 for more.

Muleshoe Bend Recreation Area is also near Spicewood. Like its neighboring LCRA access points, it requires a fee and is open year-round. Take Texas 71 to CR 404 to CR 414. The pavement ends after passing the entrance to Ridge Harbor. The entrance is about 0.3 miles from there.

All of these access points also offer some pretty amazing camping. Check out our post on Highland Lakes camping here. For lodges near any of these boat ramps, click here.

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