A golden-fronted woodpecker, which you can spot in the spring in Burnet County.

Birding a year-round activity in Burnet County 

Bird-watching in Burnet County is hard to beat: It’s free, easy, and simply incredible year-round. The diverse landscapes found in the Texas Hill Country are as attractive to birds as they are to people. 

The endangered golden-cheeked warbler nests specifically in Central Texas. In fact, Burnet County is home to a 27,000-acre national wildlife refuge created for the specific purpose of protecting the habitat of the golden-cheeked warbler and the black-capped vireo. 

Burnet County abounds with birding parks, bird blinds, and observation decks for watching this wonderful avian world. Pick up a pair of binoculars and a bird identification guide and get outside. 

Here are the who, what, when, and where for a successful birding experience in bird-friendly Burnet County. Some birds are year-round residents, while others are seasonal visitors. Check this link to see what has been spotted in Burnet County lately. 


Spring — golden-fronted woodpecker, Carolina wren, scissor-tailed flycatcher, yellow-throated vireo, summer tanager, dickcissel, golden-cheeked warbler, blue grosbeak, greater roadrunner, rufous-crowned sparrow 

Summer — yellow-billed cuckoo, black-chinned hummingbird, canyon wren, white-eyed vireo, painted bunting, summer tanager, Mexican violet ear hummingbird, yellow-billed cuckoo, verdin, northern cardinal, ringed kingfisher, eastern bluebird, painted bunting, greater roadrunner, doves

Fall — ruby-throated hummingbird, ringed kingfisher, black-crested titmouse, merlin, eastern phoebe, Lincoln’s sparrow, great egret, Canada goose, pine siskin, sharp-shinned hawk, loggerhead shrike, zone-tailed hawk, broad-tailed hummingbird, western meadowlark, vermilion flycatcher 

Winter — eastern towhee, verdin, rufous-crowned sparrow, LeConte’s sparrow, vermilion flycatcher, mountain bluebird, black-throated sparrow, Townsend’s solitaire, ladder-backed woodpecker, Bonaparte’s gull, osprey, northern cardinal, pine warbler, golden eagle, Canada goose, grasshopper sparrow, cedar waxwing, song sparrow, red-shouldered hawk, crested caracara, gadwall, American wigeon, spotted towhee, western meadowlark, ruby-crowned kinglet


Expert birders recommend a good set of binoculars, a field guide or a knowledgeable friend, and dressing for seasonal comfort — layers to add or remove.


Local experts recommend early morning viewing but say it all depends on your birding list. Songbirds are early birds, vultures do their soaring on mid-day thermals, and night owls are active after sunset. Birding is doable year-round. Spring brings a great variety of birds into the area for a season or two, waterfowl visit in the fall, eagles are known to nest each winter, and wading birds prefer a summer visit.


  • Inks Lake State Park*
  • Inks Lake Dam National Fish Hatchery*
  • Canyon of the Eagles Nature Park and Resort
  • Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge 
  • Quarry Park in Granite Shoals*
  • Horseshoe Bay Nature Park
  • LCRA Parks: Gloster Bend, Muleshoe Bend, Shaffer Bend, Turkey Bend
  • Reveille Peak Ranch
  • Longhorn Cavern State Park

*Have bird blinds

Find more information on these birding sights here.

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